Thursday, October 12, 2006

Why is wikipedia so great? There are so many reasons why... while flipping through a trivia question from someone about Napoleon, I ran across the self-appointed, Emperor of the United States. No kidding. Its worth a read, but to cut it short, its a man with a suspected mental health issue whom not only won over the people of San Francisco 120 years ago, but did it in such a way that no one seemed to be bothered by it all. Imagine a mental paitient walking around, declaring that Congress is null and void, and calling out Winfield Scott [hero of the Mexican-American War] to serve some walking papers to these wannabe's. Eventually, like all schizo's, he died penniless and was given a paupers grave... until... a local buisness club decided to sponsor it all and award the Emperor his necessary burial. Not bad for a guy that wore a feather on his hat and wore the Captain-Crunch jacket... something maybe Jacko could strive to beat!

Wikipedia article: Joshua Norton. Emperor, United States of America.

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