Sunday, April 26, 2009

Stan Bush - The Touch

where are my manners?

no 80s off, can be complete without... tEh c@$h gr@b!!!!

and what bigger ass cash grab is their, than childrens cartoons!!!

by the way, i own this on cassette tape. still. and when the jeep had the tape deck, dont think i wasn't rocking this one when i was out selling copiers! Dare was a better song. Instruments of Destruction rules too. but only this one had a real music video.

by real music video; i mean...

torn jeans. jordache jacket effect. mullet. wailing guitar solo. and posing. eat it bitches. eat my lighting bolts overlaid on my frets, with my trim mullet fluffing, while i grab that coin, and make this video the theme song of every 8 year old in america!!!

you'll never get hit, when your backs to the wall!!!

Journey - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)


what really repulses me about this particular specimen of 80s goodness, are the bands hair cuts. haircut, i should say. because everyone is rocking the same, thinned out mullet. no one has the nuts to really free flow one yet. but the sleeveless shirts... the jordache effect... and the random 80s hooker in a white leather "power suit" jacket bring the ruckuss for me. so floss that up your 80s hatin' ass... floss it with the drummer's porn 'stache.

ring ring


an agreement, usually secretive, which occurs between two or more persons to deceive, mislead, or defraud others of legal rights, or to obtain an objective forbidden by law typically involving fraud or gaining an unfair advantage and can involve "wage fixing, kickbacks, or misrepresenting the independence of the relationship between the colluding parties."[1] All acts affected by collusion are considered void.[2]

per a descent, third party, definition:

why am i bringing this up? think about your cellphone. and that great deal you think you got.

450m 39.99 ATT Wireless
450m 39.99 Verizon Wireless
450m 39.99 Sprint/Nextel
450m 39.99US Cellular

900m 59.99 ATT Wireless
900m 59.99 Verizon Wireless
900m 59.99 Sprint/Nextel
900m 59.99 US Cellular

1350m 79.99 ATT Wireless
1350m 79.99 Verizon Wireless
1350m ----- Sprint/Nextel
1350m 79.99 US Cellular

Unlim. 99.99 ATT Wireless
Unlim. 99.99 Verizon Wireless
Unlim. 99.99 Sprint/Nextel
Unlim. 99.99 US Cellular

here is the one thing to count out... tmobile/iwireless [a regional affiliate in my area], are NOT major carriers. its big compared to everyone else below them, but really they are the cut line. other people that provide US cellular service, like Cricket, Boost, AMP, and the creme de la creme of crap; TracFone; simply buy airtime from one of these FANTASTIC FOUR carriers, and run it that way. which is why they have plans and pricing that are generally lower minutes, for higher pricing.

who cares?

I did. when I was phone shopping in January, this about made me barf. why? because I DONT TALK on my cellphone. and while the 450 minutes isnt the problem; it was the price. because i really dont want to pay 40 dollars a month, for service i dont need. i used a whopping 162 minutes last month. of that, 78 minutes fell on a "nights and weekends" allotment from my carrier, which were not deducted from my "any time" minutes. whatever that means! "anytime" minutes, that aren't really used anytime, just sometimes.

any[way]time, i started to notice how much of a crock of shit this is. where is the spirit of competition in the market place, when it appears that the four big carriers, that probably hold 80 to 90% of the cellular network market share, are priced in the exact same tiers, at the exact same price. To the penny. Coincidence? In the same way that you get wet when it rains, i suppose. That's where the idea of price fixing and collusion enters my mind. to the penny.

while collusion does generally require a point of agreement among parties; [ie in fixing the price of crude oil, or *cough cough* adjusting the volume of production through quarterly meetings], i don't suppose that has to be the case. in fact, its called "tacit collusion." silent collusion. the whole mess of price fixing is sub categorized based on whom, and how the prices are set. but this still isn't the point, its artificial. why artificial? purists may argue with me; but we aren't passing a commodity. we are passing service. and service has no value, or all the value in the world market; dependent upon who needs it, and how bad they want it. commodities have a value. real or artificial, they have a value. its is traded, prices are speculative based on demands and inventory, or purity, or any other factor. what about service? again, I'd argue, that service has no value, or maximum value. nothing in between.

but we are sitting in the midst of a vast price war, that wont be fought. i suppose it isn't right to bang the honkies at the cell phone companies for charging what they do for their services. [see, not a product... a service]. but i have a very, very difficult time, believing that the true cost to their respective companies, and operable profit margins, dictate each of them to arrive at 39.99 for 450 minutes of service per month, to each individual user. to the penny. does that seem right to anyone? capitalism is driven by competition for money. nothing less. without out the true competition for dollars, greed, if you will, there simply is no more motivation to excell, to advance, to propagate.

[ and say what you want about nonprofit orgs; but even the Priest on Sunday morning passes the collection plates around, so lets be real about the money issue. and even so, the Rev. Soandso six blocks away will gladly take you and your offerings, if Father Doesntcare, wont. ]

so i ask outloud, for anyone that chooses to answer in their head; what the hell is the point? i suppose you are paying for differing access to service [coverage in their lingo], but hats a bleak point considering nearly any metro area has coverage from these four. i suppose you could be paying for quality of service; but that doesn't make much sense, voice transmission is the same in the end, especially now in the realm of digital transmission. so i guess you are paying money to a company to use a piece of equipment you like. is that what competition is really all about in the market place? no one seems to be taking any initiative in the industry, from what i can tell, to do anything different... no ways to provide cheaper technology, no guarantees of no dropped calls. no real changes in service. the only difference, is the shit you buy from them. and thats not even what you think it is. a blackberry is a blackberry. its on ATT or US Cellular, but its the same thing. the case is different colors. so what. does ATT's do your laundry? no. it makes calls and it recceives them. it sends messages, and it receives them. nothing more, nothing less. so to the penny, everything is magically the same, and it seems, no one else is all that interested in it. except me.