Wednesday, October 04, 2006

appearantly youre not allowed to . . .

headline: Khameini: Don't masturbate during Ramadan

while i wholly admit, i know very little about islam... much less radical islam... this puzzles me. i suppose i understand that the intention of ramadaan is to create a pure existence for a month of prayer and reflection... something along those lines, im sure, based upon some act or idea from the scripture.... so i get that they dont want kids playing with themselves, as that breeds contempt, uncleanliness, and the like. but heres the kick for me... christians in general really dont want you to masturbate at all. ever. in fact, alot of times they start quoting back scripture lines about how its wicked for a man to "spill his seed" ; but here we are with islam... and appearantly its acceptable to do this at other times of the year, just not during ramadaan... i guess.

well, its a logical way of begging the question; if they ask if its inappropriate during this time, i presume that means its NOT INappropriate at other times. its just yet another thing about islam, i really dont get. if my reasoning of this is right, and it might not be,but; take as many wives as you want, be entitled to kill a member of the family who is not a virgin before marriage... but you cant masturbate on the 12 month. if you do so knowingly to arrouse yourself, or [worst case scenario here...] you succeed in arousing yourself and happen to ejaculate... fasting is ruined. but really people... what fun is masturbation without ejaculation? if we get peanut butter, you better give us the jelly because thats what makes the sandwich. masturbation without some form of release [heh for pun's sake] really looses its fun... besides... last time i looked it up; i thought masturbation was the stimulation of one's genitals in order to recieve gratification... this whole managed technicality of red light / green light, and with what purpose the arousal occured seems counter productive... and while this Supreme Leader leaves us an out;

"If he do not intend masturbation and discharging semen and nothing is discharged, his fasting is correct even though he has done a h?ar?m (forbidden) act"

-- ie... if you didnt know it happened its not going to send you to hell, but its still a bad thing. i guess. i wouldnt call just ending up with a boner a forbidden act... ive had those times. id call them ebarrassing... or in some instances "well deserved", but not a forbidden act. anywho; while it seems he gives us an out, it turns out its really not so clear;

but, if he intends masturbation or he knows that he usually discharges semen by this process and semen really comes out, it is a h?aram intentional breaking fasting," the Iranian leader said, posting the reply on his website."

-- huh. dammit. so if i ended up with a boner, but something came out of it [whether or not i know what happened or not] thats an evil thing; and even if nothing did come out, if i know a priori from 7th grade health class that baby making batter comes out of the tube, then dammit im on my way to hell again.... even if i didnt get to enjoy it, and especially if i didnt even intend to to get everything... "set up" to beging to enjoy it. amazing. so if ramadaan is a holy month; and by comparison, well try to equate december [days leading to christmas] as a christian's holyer month; any time id jack it in the month of december, ive ruined christmas. by comparison ofcourse. sorry. a thousand pardons. errrrrr... more like... 25 pardons to be exact... one for every christmas month ive ruined.

no wonder people can claim humanity by beheading peaceful believers of other faiths, foster a peaceful faith by supporting wars, and promising big returns in an afterlife for becoming a martyr... it baffles me. its islam. and its not ok to jack it during ramadaan. ive ruined christmas months for years now. case closed.

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