Saturday, December 10, 2005

well the thanky yous are rolling in from the xmas cards... 3 or 4 so far. its always nice to hear back that people enjoy getting something. makes me realize i do the right thing some days. its also interesting to see who hops on it to tell you thankyou. also a good feeling, even if unexpected sometimes.

had matt staab come visit in town today. always good to have friends come by. helped get me out of my rut and away from the house. now granted davenport doesnt have loads of things to show off, but i think we covered the interesting parts. plus it was nice to have someone to eat a meal with, and a favorable ear to talk to.

looks like i need to focus on christmas presents now. ive got a difficult decision to make about what to buy someone. ill figure something out. just like i need to figure a few other things out. in all, my personal best is 2 days. entire family in 2 days. im thinking i should be able to beat that if im in the mood this year. and that includes wrapping!

and god bless a cold guiness on tap!

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