well... another day another doctor's office. it seems bad this year. but really, i suppose im making up for lost time. aside from a pair of ER visits from Staples, i really never hit a doctor up while in college or just after. this year has made up for it. with pneumonia, tearing up my back and rehab, the dentists issues, and now my infected ear, its been an expensive run so far.
before anyone asks; im fine. great. next order of business, is why.... well as a kid/ teenager, i was always getting these ear aches / infections that are similar in nature to swimmer's ear, with water getting trapped in my ear canal. turns out, that as an adult, i still get it. i suppose its something that could be corrected with the dreaded "tubes in the ear" fix... but its never much of a problem. then comes the change of season, and it seems i get it again. usually it lasts a few days, gets red, i dont hear sharp and high pitches well, some minor pain, then it goes away. this one hurt like a son of a bitch. it feels like a spike is getting shoved in through my ear canal and gets hammered on about every 3 seconds. of course i cant hear anything either. so i broke down and hit the doctor.
dr. a. has had me as a paitient almost as long as i can remember. more than 20 years. so i never feel discomfort going to see him. its, yes a doctors office visit, but it never feels unfriendly, or cold to me. just normal. and through all the visits over the years with broken bones, dislocated knees, cuts, sicknesses and such; its always nice to come back to the same doctor. he even laughed today about the ear infection. he said some day we should go through my charts and see how many ive had. i reminded him he had kids to put through college.
but as always we get to the fun part. the blood pressure is normal, pulse is normal, but you are over weight. it seems like it follows me around. at 273 today, i guess i didnt know what heavy was. thats been about my weight for the past couple years. i guess its too much. per BMI, i should "ideally" drop to about 200 for my height. thats a big change. real big. the jury is going to stay out on this one for a while, but i suppose it shouldnt kill me to do something. even if its not 70 pounts of something. anyhow. still alive. lets all cross off; EAR MICROBES as things that haven't killed me off yet.
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