welcome to my new cell. ill spend approximately 9 hours or more per day, looking at these three walls. and if that wasnt bad enough, there is a window into the cube next to me, that keeps the Screws informed of my doings. nothing like jailhouse snitchery on the first day. anyone else who would like to send me cube paintings or wall art, im happy to post it. right now i have a telephone directory from 2001, and the addresses of the various offices around the area. i have a phone on my desk, though i really dont know what the number is, and worse yet, i found out i dont know how to use it either. oh! i had a spare pc power cable wadded up in the corner! and i got someone's printed at home business card gathering dust. the coffee mug and car keys were furnished by me... as were the random office supplies. grr. more info later. day one is done.