Goddammit it happened in Davenport. Here goes! [with mugshot goodness]
Man tries to pay court in dirty pennies, sent to jail
QCTimes.net [QC Times
available: June 26 2008]
Article by: Ann McGlynn
A man accused of driving with a defective tire is spending seven days in jail after he attempted to pay a bond in dirty pennies and crumpled-up dollar bills, court records show.James R. Ward, 60, of Center Junction, Iowa, was sent to Scott County Jail on Thursday by Associate Court Judge Christine Dalton, records show.
Ward was arrested on May 12 for driving a tractor trailer on Interstate Highway 280 with a defective tire. The proposed fine and court costs totaled $68.20.
Ward decided he wanted a jury trial. In order to do so, Dalton required he post a $100 bond. She set trial for Monday morning.
Ward brought the $100 bond to the clerk of court Thursday. The money consisted of a box of pennies
covered with some sort of unknown substance and several crumpled dollar bills, records show.
Documents do not indicate how much of each he brought. Signs posted in the clerk’s office say they will not accept more than $3 in pennies for payment.
Rumor going around is; that substance looks like mud, smells worse and comes from your butt. Way to go crack-y. First off, wearing overalls in your mugshot did bring a smile to my face, but it can't crack the best parts of your act. Secondly; what kind of redneck drives a tractor on the highways... gets caught, then honestly thinks its a GOOD idea to ask for a trial? That and; what the hell is a defective tire? Any how. Back out on the farm, this wouldn't be news unless someone shits in a box; so he had to improvise. Congrads Cletus.