for so long, ive tried despartely to hold out comment on the question of iraq. but after seeing this. i think my mind is made up. we ARE doing the right thing here people. regardless of how we got in to the mess, or the reasons that may or may not be true, there is most certainly justification for our most concerted effort against these peace hating people. people liken this to vietnam lately; and its not quite that easy. vietnam last for decades. it began in such a secret way, that the american public wasnt even aware of its beginings until after the fist thousand or so were dead. the great pacifist himself, touted and venerated JFK, was the one who started that war for us. so choose carefully any political trappings you might want to be lead by, because it has very little to do with political affiliation, and more to do with justice, and the rule of law. again, im not going to dispute that everything might not have been as clear as possible when we went into this thing, but now, after so long, when the attrocities of the iraq's against americans is becoming clear, why is it people still think anything but for a quick and full scale end to this combat? the man that was killed wasnt a soldier. he wasnt a combatant. he wasnt armed. he wasnt a member of some company. he was simply there to help these people. and they took him hostage. he was there to help rebuild this warland, and they killed him for it. he was denied any and all comforts of the Geneva accords as well as any other regulations for personal safety the international community has on the books. and then he was slaughtered. and they broadcast it publically. now these "people" run around, cheering, smearing themselves with the blood of an innocent man who came a world away to help them into civility. these bloodthirsty savages are ecstatic about it. reveiling in it. something is gravely wrong with this picture. and no one, it seems, is upset about this like i am.
how is it, that we are supposed to deal with these people... and they arent... but of the inhumane creatures that we are faced with? we euthanize raccoons that are rabbid, we destroy dogs that attack humans, but were not supposed to do the same thing to these people? were supposed to allow them to live, and flourish and procreate, as if to say this is alright? the same sorts of foulities have been present for several decades, but all of you here at home feel as though its wrong to see it. in chechnya the islamic separatists have been regularly savaging russian peace keeping forces. without any regard for their humanity, the brutality occurs against any captured man in a russian uniform. or. any man or woman, that is not islamic separatist. in the small islamic malasyian islands, separatists regularly execute and draw and quarter any white faces found, or anyone in uniform. these sorts of things continue to this day in these small countries, and you all deny that it does. people are doing nothing but their duty for their country, and are falling victim to crimes that are so horrific, we sheltered american's simply deny that it occurs... and instead, we simply think its wrong to fight a war with these people. what better people are there to be at war with, is what i ask of you? who better than to die, than those that seek only the death of thier neighbors? why is it just, to you people, to let those savages survive? what more unnatural, inhumane, unjust actions can you find on this earth, that would qualify anyone else as a more worthy target for the business end of a few american artillery pieces? they arent fighting for freedom. they arent fighting for justice. they arent even fighting, as we do in war. they are simply bloodthirsty animals that run loose preying upon whoever they can nab.
sadaam, their political leader, was quite well versed in these kinds of things you know. on many occasions he had heads removed and sent home to families. he thought nothing of it, when he had the kurdish nomads in the north gassed. it was purely "business" when he launched shells that started the Iran-Iraq war. for him, getting a head, pollitically, meant litteraly removing your opponnents. sometimes without reason, sometimes with a made up ones. but it was just to show that he had power. and thats all these images are trying to show us. they are just trying to show us they have the power to be something subhuman. but again, i want us to separate the political nature of this; there is no political body in iraq. these people are mayors or party members. there is nothing formal about their nonexistent political power. do you really think they took a vote on killing this man? no. do you think they sat down and had a formal debate, with members representing a constituency? no. they are just sick animals who enjoy this. it is about brutality. it is about murder. it is about deception. and it is about underhanded killings for the sake of nothing but showing off their ability to do so, all made in the name of Allah. and i ask you, why you nay-sayers feel we should step aside and let this continue? how is it that more people saturate themselves in the filth that is american idol, but retain the idleness of americana against these types of attrocities? you people disgust me that refuse to commit to the notion that yes, although a last resort, this military action against these people is of the imperative. some of you sleep at night, dreaming of a perfect world. what is so perfect about the people that murded that man? or those men? or that family? that journalist? that man who did nothing but drove a fuel truck? the woman that worked to wash dishes that feed private contractors? and so on. and so on. how do you all sleep, with those dreams, and counteract the sanctity of life, with the justness of murder?
the american might has been brought in to END this society. these people have no intention to reform. they have no idea of what a proper order is. and they dont care either. there never was any intention of peace. only of starting new bleedings in the sides of humanity. all they wanted was a fresh place to stab you all. all they want is the power to reign terror to be restored to them. how would you sleep in thier world? how can you sleep in mine? aside from this im speechless. i dont have words to express the hatred that is rising in me, for a people across the world. and i hate them because they hate peace, liberty, and justice. they burn our flags, they spit on the bodies they have murdered, and they parade this kind of filth across the globe. and then they hide behind a god. and this press corps eats it up. its hitting the airwaives for one purpose only; to rally american support away from our actions. that story as above, isnt even being run in many news markets in the united states right now... because many more of you would only feel more solidified like i do, if you saw it. if you knew that man was someones son, someones father. someones brother. and if these savages have no more respect for the sanctity that is human life, then i have no more respect for them as a people. they are nothing but thugs. assassins. cowards. and the scum of this earth. there exists no reason for them to live. and i still dont see how people dont see the justice in our elimination of them. this is something that has to be done.