ow. the light hurts. taken some time around 3am... not by me.... after we started drinking at about 6pm...

well a quick post. more tomorrow after i get off work... also look for pictures over on the dichotomous.net book soon. but..
poopie is now married to hcwbph. *sigh* yet another one gone.
we did it in grand style i must say. right now im still pretty tired, over a day later. but the ceremony was nice [i missed it], the party was better. drinking for us started at 6ish... we finally were done screwing around at J's house sometime around 3 am . fucking fun. for once i can say, that being with these people in davenport did not produce any annimosity, no hard feelings. just lots of fun. old memories. new jokes. lots of laughs. 1 gold fish was swallowed. a black man was busting moves on the mom's dancing to the boot-scooting-boogie. someone brought a stripper with as a date. someone's mom doesnt swallow. a vegetarian contemplated putting chicken on her plate at dinner. there was indeed fighting with lengths of drainpipe. lots of devil horns. and yeah. poopie nuhts is married.
so much to say. to tired to say it. more pictures will be coming... however..
congrads Adam and Jackie!