haha. survived yet another xmas onslaught. did my shopping in the most record time yet... 1 day. in 3 stops. cant beat that? still came in under budget. everyone is happy. god. i think i might have done something right for once this year. time went fast though, that last week. now im holed up at the parents house for a few days. very little else has gone on lately. found out my winter-term class was cancelled, so now ill spend all break working. id much rather have gotten that last class done with, now ill have to pick it up with others... hopefully i can find a way out of a 17 semester hour spring term. im done doing that much busy work at once in my undergrad career. so instead im camping out for a few days here. davenport has changed. streets in new places. walmarts in new places. added a home depot here too. lots of random crap and capital improvements around the place. i noticed alot of it coming into town. i took the scott way home, cutting through gravel and county roads, and eventually meandering back through town to the house. saw lots. its funny like that. the more things can change, the more it can feel like home. more ironic than funny i suppose. sorry. its a short post. more sometime soon. dial up eats my butt.
tHe SkizzOtt