phil called today. i wasnt expecting it. i always feel a bit on edge when he calls me and im not expecting it. turns out, hes redeemed himself! after nearly a week of radio silence, hes gotten me an interview at a M A J O R tech sales firm in the region. and while the name probably wont mean much of anything at all to people that read this from out of the area. RK Dixon. its a step above SMG that i interviewed for a few weeks ago [the Xerox group sales]. this is a company name that i know, and what they do. phil has my attention tomorrow and likely monday or tuesday as well getting me ready for this interview. id really hate myself if i screwed this up. money is good-great. hours are great. full benefit package. plus brand recognition. its not selling magazines or girl scout cookies to be sure. im interviewing to sell high end managed care, and IT divisions. not components. total overhaul solutions. plus bits and pieces businesses might want. im also told, this separate division of the company is held pretty much by one vice president, and a couple of sales support people. phil gave me the impression they are looking for a long-term mold-able person to make it explode. i dunno that im that type of person. but im sure as shit going to convince them i can be. definitely a job that would interest me. sure, its sales. yes. alot of it will be calls, mailing, shit type prospecting. but. its miles above what ive done. its a career sales position. not a job. its not figured hourly. the salary isnt why you work it. the commission is. thats something that really, really stands out to me. but its not till wednesday. so please... cross fingers, toes. whatever you have thats lucky. im really hoping i can pull this one off. phil said its not a highly competetive position, because its not advertised, and they arent looking for an immediate fill. they want the exact right person. phil said they were very interested in what ive done. thats good. but im very interested in what they have to offer me. thats better.
until then though, i have to resubmitt everything for my soc class over the summer. university has fucked it up. so im redoing the last couple papers... everything has to be in by monday, and so far thats stacking up to be about 10 pages a day of revisions to be done on time. guh. this is the college that doesnt end. but by next week ill be a certified college graduate, finally.
not much else to say. just that im bouncing around with this interview. no guarantees though. odds are probably against me. i have to keep looking and applying in at places. but i want this one to work out. even if its sales. even if its davenport. i know its not some huge city. i know no one will want to visit me. i wont get to be a millionaire from it either. but this one would mean a big step up for me. definitely bring in more money than ive ever earned. more freedom. more sales. more important business. more of a development for me, as a scott. i spend so much of my time figuring out what the hell i am, this one would make me free to pursue what i want. it would help pay off loans. it would give me a day job at a nice office. it would give me the cash to buy a nice car... or the camera ive lusted over. it would leave me free cash to spend on who i want to. its... i cant think that. ive got to think. interview. sell myself. sell my potential worth. but its exciting.