Life with Wrangler seems to be getting on track. For the most part he listens to me. That’s saying a lot for a puppy that’s 12 weeks old. He still chews and bites at me. Its not a vicious thing; its his version of playing. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt, or I don’t bleed. Were working on curbing that. We’ve had two vet appointments and they say its normal for a puppy. We’ll go with it.
So far, crate training is going above average! He will stay in it at night, and I can even sleep in my bed upstairs. However, he tolerates it for a maximum of 8 hours. After that, he barks and yips and howls to get out. Still. That’s along time for little guy to hold it, but sleeping helps. We also us it to take naps in. I’ve even caught him just wandering in there a few times. All great signs!
Walks are the next biggest improvement. Our first time out, we barely made it a block and couldn’t stay on course. Everyday we are trying to get 2 walks in, and he can focus better and generally can go everywhere with minimal carry time. When he does get carried is to cross the street [he tends to want to play in the middle of it], or when we won’t stop straining off the path. A little bit of redirection, then he is ready to roll again. Its usually a half hour of run around time up and down hills all around the park that’s across the street. If he does well, we then go farther to a newer place he can sniff and he gets all the time he wants to sniff around. But he has really improved with walks. He will stay on the right side 75% of the time and moves at the right speed. Otherwise he will dance all over the sidewalk and sniff at things or gallop along. Still good for his age.
As far as play time: well, he shreds tennis balls in minutes! My mother made the mistake of buying him a couple to chase… He had peeled them like an orange and now I have neon green fluff everywhere. Wrangler looked quite proud of that. Kong toys are still the best, nuclear option. I load it with a treat and give it a dab of peanut butter for crate time, and he’s good for 10 minutes. Otherwise, we seem to enjoy toilet paper [it now can not be on the roll on the wall because he runs it off or chews it], shoe laces [I’ve replaced 2 pairs in past few weeks because of it], blue painters tape [which was left on a doorway] and any kind of zipper. Yes. Zippers. I don’t know why. Metal, nylon, plastic, all of them get chewed up. I have 2 coats I can’t wear now because the zippers are trashed. But still, considering his teething stage, he’s doing well.
Potty training is our big success. He’s quite good about it. He will go sit by the door if need be, but if we stick to the first out, 20 minutes after eating, and 20 minutes after play time, he’s not had any incidents. And this little guy craps like a race horse! So far so good.
Last but not least was bath time tonight! Every morning when I shower he comes in, puts both paws up on the tub and cries as he tugs on the shower curtain; obviously he’s curious. So we had our first bath tonight on my kitchen floor in a plastic tote. I couldn’t get any pictures as I have to do this solo; but I will say it was funny watching his expressions! He wanted out pretty bad. And he kept trying to drink the water or bite bubbles. Pretty funny little guy!
A few people have asked me on twitter if I’d start a divergent Beagle bog… not interested… I neglect my Burrito blog [] as it is; so I introduced the #Beagle tag to filter my blog with.