I have to say, that rediscovering things you had in life, really are a thrill... almost a big of a thrill, as the first time you came across it....
Leo Laporte.
I used to watch his shows on TechTV for years. Then came the college move. Then came the G4TV buyout of TechTV and the dump of nearly everyone on air. So. Pass several years, then, last week..... DING! I find Leo is still around! Still around and kicking! In case anyone is interested; Leo hosted several shows on technology; including the flagship "The Screen Savers," program, among others [like "Call For Help"]. Why draw to him, with so many talking heads? Leo first of all, is fair. Fair in points of view, fair to technology streams, and fair in approach. Granted, he is a Mac/Apple junkie. BUT he is a linux honk. But he has no qualms with the Windows world. He is fluent in all of the above, to the point of talking people through technology problems. Second, Leo is interesting and "soft" in approach. Interesting points of view are just that; it takes a secondary "softer" magnetism to bring in viewers and incorporate them into the views. Leo just does that. Third, Leo is funny. Anyways... Listen in, the podcasts of his shows are free on iTunes. Which is a huuuuuge bonus.... since I have these pushed to my phone now.
Leo Laporte [personal site]. The Tech Guy [the Show Website]. PODCAST LINK [will open iTunes].