Friday, February 13, 2009

news day, fri days

Rapelay virtual rape game banned by Amazon

A PC game that allows players to gang rape virtual women – and then
force them to have an abortion – has been banned from Amazon.

By Matthew Moore [AVAILABLE Online: UK Telegraph
Feb 13 2009]

In Rapelay, gamers direct a character to sexually assault a mother and
her two young daughters at an underground station, before raping any of
a selection female characters.

The game was intended for release just in Japan, but was on offer to
British buyers through Amazon Marketplace, the section of the online
store's website open to third-party sellers.

But Amazon has now withdrawn the game after complaints from users,
deeming it to be inappropriate. "We determined that we did not want to
be selling this particular item," a spokeswoman said.

Rapelay was developed by the Japanese production house Illusion, which
makes a number of sexually violent games for the domestic market. Their
other titles include "Battle Raper" and "Artificial Girl".

A spokesman for the company said: "We believe there is no problem with
the software, which has cleared the domestic ratings of an ethics
watchdog body."

Keith Vaz, the Labour MP for Leicester East who has previously spoken
out against computer games that promote violence, condemned the game.

"It is intolerable that anyone would purchase a game that simulates the
criminal offence of rape," he told the Belfast Telegraph.

Rapelay, which was released in 2006, encourages players to force the
virtual woman they rape to have an abortion. If they are allowed to give
birth the woman throws the player's character under a train, according
to reviews of the game. It also has a feature allowing several players
to team up against individual women.


First off.... what the hell...

Second off... why am i just hearing about this game NOW, when i CANT GET

Third off.... how much more sexually repressed, but obsessively
extroverted can Japan get?

Fourth off...... when was this game really ever a good idea to market to
anyone, backed by any company?

Fifth off..... why can Amazon japan still get it, but not brittan? must
be some sort of translation issues, where it wouldnt make sense in
english i suppose.

Sixth off...... i think we all know what video game i want for Christmas
this year!!!!

Monday, February 09, 2009

read it. just let it ride.

via: The Smoking Gun Website, Feb 8th 2009.

Blow-up Doll Party

Floridian nabbed for public ménage a trois with plastic partners

FEBRUARY 5--A Florida man was arrested yesterday after he was spotted fondling and making out with a pair of blow-up dolls in a supermarket parking lot. Shoppers called cops when they spotted George Bartusek, 51, getting busy in the front seat of his 1998 Lincoln Town Car, which was parked directly in front of a Publix store. Evidence photos (seen below and here) showing Bartusek's inanimate partners were provided to TSG by the Cape Coral Police Department. According to a police report, witnesses told cops that Bartusek was "performing activity to two different blow up dolls in his vehicle that was consistent with masturbation and other simulated sexual activity." He was also spotted "aggressively" kissing the dolls. When confronted by police, Bartusek said that he was headed to Target to "get some clothes for his dolls." Bartusek, charged with breach of peace, was wearing shorts with a three-inch opening "in the crotch area." Of course, he "had no underwear on under the shorts," noted police. Bartusek is pictured at right in a Lee County Sheriff's Office mug shot.
well not a whole lot worth writing.

as well all know; sometimes thats what i say when i dont have anything to talk about.... but more often thats what i say when i really just dont want to talk about it. sigh.

i suppose it all started with me re-watching some Soprano's episodes a a couple weeks ago... in particular an episode in season 2, [Bust Out, for those keeping score] where Tony takes AJ out on the boat, and it plays out with them and Journey as the backing music. Journey will only bring a fucked up sense of reality to my life. every time i hear "donnnnnnt stop, beeeleeeeeeeeeivin'" all i can think about is the last episode of the Sopranos... so i was surprised i overlooked this 'gem' and forgot Journey made atleast one other musical apperance in the show.

journey. is sap rock. pure. 80s sap rock. but since i kept wanting to hear the songs, so closely associated with the moments in the show... i loaded it up on itunes and now its all i hear.... crappy journey songs in public. i look at this as having a field guide to birds; and now i notice specific birds among many, or notice birds where id never seen them before. fuckin journey. now i hear journey everywhere...

so that started it off. then everything else kept coming. random work related garbage. random family related garbage. random lack of love life related garbage. all in all, im blaming journey for this. then the kicker was finding someone on facebook whom; i should never, ever, have looked for. but i did. and found. and friended. and have now talked to several times. and im sure for them its like i never existed. but its not fresh anymore in my head. but its a long ways from being forgotten. but of course, a week from valentines day, it gets kicked up. god damn journey.