so tomorrow is D-Day in the 10 year future of the United States. its the national election that all of these whining leftist kids have been coveting. its a referendum on middle-right views. tomorrow, it will be sharply bitten, and rejected. tomorrow, the vast expanses of this nation will throw over board their better judgment, and attempt to elect a member of the new-left, because of "change." simply that was the strategy. "change" what? do what? none of that is important. tomorrow is the day they feel is important.
of course, my choice is only of two options; be gutless and vote in the popular candidate against my person beliefs; or vote where my heart lies. if anyone reads this, and thinks im straddling the fence for obama, you really don't know me at all. tomorrow my choice is to be the gutless, non thinker, party boy and scratch out a vote for John McCain; or to vote with my heart and true feelings and mark my vote [as will be printed on the ballot in Iowa!!!!] for Chuck Baldwin.
Chuck Baldwin is running on behalf of the Constitution Party; a national political party that has finished behind Ralph Nader's pathetic attempts in the past few elections. this is a party thats highest elected official is a congressman in montana. but this is the party of my true feelings, as closely as i can find this election. its a party that holds membership in the hundreds of thousands [by all guesses its currently less than 500,000]. the party began in 1992 as the tax payers party, which was a loose knit group of yoyo's to get elected on the basis of tax code referendums. the party has matured to much, much more than that.
load up your weapons, but this is what i vote for tomorrow;
" The mission of the Constitution Party is to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity through the election, at all levels of government, of Constitution Party candidates who will uphold the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. It is our goal to limit the federal government to its delegated, enumerated, Constitutional functions and to restore American jurisprudence to its original Biblical common-law foundations. "
among other planks [just for your reference];
strongly oppose abortion, strongly oppose same sex marriage, oppose universal healthcare, strongly opposed to deficit spending and increased taxation, are considered isolationists in foreign wars, strongly favor capitol punishment, strongly reject amnesty/guest workers/expanded immigration, strongly favor a limited federal government[ie eliminating whole fed departments and agencies, and returning to a strict constitutionalist view of government. [these are all the things, in all of my life, that make me unpopular with my peers, all rolled up in one nice hateful package]
but im not here to convince people. no one who knows me, knows that my aim is ever to convince people to believe as i do. and besides, everyone has run out and bought the slogans and stupid tshirts and campaign garb; thats all non refundable. i waited to mention anything to see if anyone else would agree with me. no one has. so read up about the party and the platforms here, if interested after the fact. the larger, outer world, wont see this till well after their champagne has settled flat tomorrow. however, i must live in this country a while longer after that. the bitter taste of dry liquor does nothing to quench the thrist within my heart for a better nation, but feel free to drink the kool aid, revel in the media's new messiah. i wont watch it. i wont need to know what the outcome is either way, to know that this country's problems are about to get a whole lot deeper tomorrow. historically deeper. in debt. in foregin supremecy issues. in taxation paid to the government. that will happen no matter which of the popular mavericks or change artists you select tomorrow. my fight, is a loosing battle at best. i will fight on, knowing the battle is lost, and the empire is broken. but the nightmare will truely begin in earnest tomorrow.
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