Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Current Musical Selection: -= nothing.... absolute solitued, except for the air conditioner =-

Today seems like it was a long day, but it really wasnt. One of those days, that your tired to the soles of your feet, but you really didnt do much work. Today I moved back into Iowa City. Yeah, there was a lot of leg work to get shit into the car, and from their back into my building.... but really not that much. My room is a new room for once. The past two years I lived in the same one; and Ill have to say, there are alot of memories, good and bad with 2114; but all in all, i thought my time there was done. I laughed when i walked through the hallway there today; Greg is still there [my roommate from last year] and theres a sign up for Scott... either its his new roommate, or a funny practical joke; but either way its still fitting none the less.

Partly my decision to move out was based on me aging out. I feel old. I act old. Let me be old by myself. I know im no longer the kid i thought i was comming up to this school; my priorities have changed... hell my outlook on life has had some changes. This year i thought, it was time i was honest with myself, and make a change. so 2303 here i am. in the dark. typing away, all by myself. just like ive done the past two years... its all just another empty room, that ill pass the time in; and when the year is done, ill move on. just like everyone before me; nothing deviating.

the only thing thats really eerie around here is the lack of people... my floor is separated from the rest, and only has something like 10 rooms; only one other guy has moved in... even the RAs arent comming up to visit.. it makes this place seem very quiet and still. too bad in 5 days, it will be hopping worse than a humming bird on speed.

not sure what else to make of today... im sure its nothing important, although id want it to be. time will tell i suppose... time will tell

ain't it fun~

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