Current Musical Selection: Duff McKagan - "I Love You", and other selections from this solo lp; 'Believe In Me'
Once again ive managed to let 6 days come and go before i update this... trust me, i know, the email starts piling up, then the hate-email starts piling up; so wait your turn; ill get to it. it will get updated with much more frequency in less than one week; as ill be moved back in at school and permanently glued to my keyboard and ethernet and T3 once again. im sure the entries will also get shorter as well, so for those of you waiting for my next novel sized installment; wait, it too will be comming in the form of a novel once school and piddly annoying crap concerning school cease. in the meantime; its blog time.
a bit of sad news of late i guess; turns out my great-uncle dean; of kewanee illinios; was diagnosed with cancerous pockets in his jaw and throat area, turns out it was a little too late, and the oncologists determined that the cancer had totally spread throughout his body. he passed away less than a week after diagnosis. its sad; it really is, i never had the chance to see him in the hospital, and probably the last time he saw me was 5 to 10 years ago. im sure he wouldnt recognize me anymore. as it turns out, the funeral and proceedings are early next week, which will postpone my move-in at school. there was rumor floating around earlier that i may be called on to be a pallbearer, so it is a necessary postponement in my mind.
onto other news; as much as i try to avoid mentioning and tieing my thoughts to it, my position in ARH has greatly increased the amount of stress in my life; needlessly so. most of the occurances have been so petty and shallow that they should not have even attracted my attention or time to correct, but they did. moving in the microfriges was so slow going and annoying, taking all of my day; litterally from 7:30am [plus the hour commute before hand] until nearly 6pm. not cool. no big mistakes or problems, just slow work, and people who werent under good directions... after i became frustrated with the process, and changed how we did it, things seemed to move much faster. on the same day i had meetings with the Vice President of the Unviersity, as well as the Assoc. Dean of Students... again, major stress. not from them, they are both interesting people in their own rights, and id probably enjoy a solid hour of quasi-non-business related conversation with them, but thats not really possible is it? instead i hear the answers i dont want to hear, push to get the answers i do want, and end up much more irritable from the process.
last piece of stress realation activity comes from the local printers, to whom i trusted my $3,000 plus; keychain order, would be completed on time and satisfactorily... not so. i find out that the order, which was due today, no exceptions. wouldnt be in. 6,000 keychains, for the kids who move into the dorms next week, will not be ready when the kids are. inexcuseable; yes, stoppable; no, foreseeable; should have been. the one time i place an order with date sensitivity, im defied. ofcourse appologies were passed on from the manufacturer in California, to the printer, to me; but really nothing is going to change this. the box will arrive on monday, i wont arrive until tuesday to dink with it, kids will have been comming in since 8am monday morning. allready im hearing phone calls and emails from deskstaffs, RAs and administrators; bitching and moaning at me about the lack of keychains... to you all i have one simple request [children and virgins cover your ears]
SHUT THE FUCK UP. BACK THE FUCK OFF. SUCK MY FUCKING DICK, IM TIRED OF YOUR GODDAMMED SHIT. [thank you to Axl Rose for the inspriation and insults]--- not only am i well aware of the lack of keychains, but im equally upset about it. but the minute you start putting on guilt trip, or condesending attitudes towards me and this project, i will hear no more of it. these tags are a sign of good faith, and a gesture of good will, which we pay for; for the students... not you. not only will i take offense to what you say and my gift, but ill take them away. these arent mandatory, these arent my job to do, these are my way of showing appreciation; if its not appreciated i walk, and so do the keytags.
i appologize for the language, but again this is my log, not yours. take offense if you want, but the one thing in life i will not stand for are people who overstep their bounds, to make my life worse. the minute some low level desk jockey, who ive never heard of, starts informing me of my errors and misgivings, ill shove this all back out to you in spades. not only do you have no clue who your talking to, you also have no clue what happened, or whats being done. you dont even have jurisdiction over me or my organization; all you do is bitch about getting a free gift; thats not even yours... all of this is out of my hands now, and i think i deserve some credit for trying to rectify that. end sound off here.
as earlier stated, id answer some viewer email---
"what the hell is up with the Aint It Fun quote" --- well the quote comes from Axl Rose, who is actually quoting an old song by Stiv Bators and The Dead Boys... a moderate force in the late 70s/early 80s punk music scene. the stuff is really great, lots of energy, rasp and drugs; the recording quality isnt so great... axl and co. covered the actual song Aint It Fun; for the 1993 Spaghetti Incident? release. great song, great quote.. the song lyrics talk about the various stages of life and its occurances, in a largely cynical way. look it up sometime
next question---
"whats with the Guns and Roses infatuation; they suck, they werent that good, and they are so 80s; move on allready" --- well first off, yes its a mild infatuation, second of all, eat me. the band WAS great, the band IS influential, and its still one of my favorites. it spawned careers of nearly everyone it touched, Izzy, Gilby, Duff, Slash, Adler, Sorum, Andreadis, even the backup singers... everyone has benefitted. although i do love the music, the time period is also nice to remember; its of my formative growing up years so it means something to me to have the music from the time that i remember. above all else, they rock... everything now sucks ass musicaly. nothings new, nothings edgy, everything is labeled in a way that says 'dont label me'. enough of that, GnR can be labeled, and it doesnt fit; the band did nearly every style of song you can think of, and it remains to be seen how many other songs are out there recorded, but never released due to egos, contracts and lifestyles. in short, its my band of choice, not yours.
last question--
"Why do you rant on and on about everything? You hardly ever talk about your life or your day, like most people do in their online journals, why is that?" --- good question. not sure. the world pisses us all off in mysterious ways... i usually will light into something that particularly annoys me at the momment... why do i waste my time? better question; this is supposed to be a catch all for my thoughts. my handwriting has taken such a turn for the worse, that i have problems reading it; so this was the next most logical choice. so in that sense, this is where i turn to an audience thats all my own; you all. in life, most people tire of my rantings after a few moments, some times they listen for hours; so this is still the best place.. the best place to plunk down something. so enjoy.
well bedtime for me... as allways, viewer mail is appreciated, questions comments and snide remarks to"
till then..
ain't it fun~
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