First and foremost is the Jeep surgery I'll be performing tomorrow.
For some reason that damn front bumper and fascia decided to rip off
on thursday and when it did, it decided to take some stuff with it.
That means my fog lights and their respective wiring. That means my
nifty chrome grill. That means it may take some work on my part. The
only thing I'm worried about are the plastic pieces and clips. Without
any time to survey the extent of the finite damage, combined with the
knowledge of Chrylsler engineering and the infinite wisdom of making
everything of brittle plastic; it could be an interesting day or an
expensive day. Mechanically it's moderately straightforward it's never
that clear of a process until I can put my hands through it.
Secondly, on a more random link; I've been thinking a lot about energy
useage and conservation. I say random because for me I don't care
much. However I am fascinated at how inefficient a regular
incandescent light bulb is. Drawing nearly 100 watts of juice to net
about 2000 lumens of light. While todays dollar store variety CFL bulb
replacements do the same 2000 lumen of light; but only draw 25 watts
or less and produce almost no heat. I started switching bulbs out when
I moved upstairs to electrical and about five months later I have
noticed a difference in energy useage. Fascinating. Just the idea of
applying a different technology to create such a noticeable effect
fascinates me. Little things I guess. And it's not the conservation of
energy that interests me; it's the application and resulting net
efficiency that fascinates me.
Sent from my iPhone
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