Really, its the quotations that make this post worthy. But anyhow, I guess I'm in an underwear sort of posting mood.... enjoy!
Covering Up Plumber's Crack
[taken from: First Coast News - Jacksonville, FL Online Article]
MONTEREY, CA -- A couple California moms think they have the solution to a century's old dilemma.
Best friends Christine Meeks and Kelly DeSerpa have come up with the "Hip-T."
It's a way to keep the "plumbers crack" in its pants.
Wikepedia defines "plumber's crack" as a minor exposure of the buttocks and the gluteal cleft between them, often because of low slung trousers.
You've seen plumbers crack on plumbers, babies, and women who have no idea or pretend not to.
That's where Christine Meeks and Kelly DeSerpa come in.
They came up with the idea to solve plumbers crack when one of their daughters complained about it.
After a little thought and some practice designs they came up with what they call the "Hip-T."
Their idea looks like a tube top and comes in a variety of colors. It's aimed at covering rear-end exposure.
So about one year ago, out of a bedroom converted into an office, and with about $15,000 between them, the pair started sewing.
"I cut, Christy sewed and we sold them all that night. Everyone said, 'oh my gosh, this is the best idea ever,'" said DeSerpa.
Most sales take place on line through their web site.
They say they've already shipped to all 50 states since the idea came up one day last year.
At Everette Alvarez High School, the principal says that fashion is strictly forbidden in the parent student handbook.
But he admits the school always welcomes anything that could help change the trend.
"If it brings awareness to the parents and the community to pay attention to what your kids are wearing and whether its hip or not, here is a way to look at the structure and a change in the way of culture," said Principal Darren Sylvia.
The youth, with the often frowned-upon style, is a tough target market according to Meeks and DeSerpa, but they're just getting started.
"They have assets and they need to keep those close to them and not share them with the world. Not everything needs to be shared with the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year," said Meeks.
Not only are these 'tards convinced that this "idea" of theirs is so great that the local press should have gotten involved, but that theyve sunk more thank 15grr into it. Bad? Yes. Worse. "oh my gosh, this is the best idea ever,'" said DeSerpa." Actually its not. Bitch, its called UNDERWEAR. For those so inclined not to wear it, the solution is actually a belt. I'll take my 15grr back now, thank you. PS... Its 19.95 plus shipping, if anyone actually cares. NEXT!
Wal-Mart Yanks Pink 'Credit Card' Panties Off Racks
[taken from: Fox News Channel Online Article]Suggestive pink Santa panties targeting young girls are being removed from Wal-Mart stores after parents objected to the offensive undergarments.
The panties, which were sold in the juniors department, seemed to suggest that girls don't need money, they just need a sugar daddy — in this case Santa Claus.
The hipster briefs — carrying the slogan "Who needs credit cards ..." on the front and "When you have Santa" on the derriere — caused an uproar among parents, who called for the $2.96 drawers to be pulled off the racks.
"We have directed our stores to remove this merchandise from our shelves," Linda Brown Blakely, a spokeswoman for Wal-Mart, told FOXNews.com Wednesday.
The undergarments had caused a stir on some blogs prior to Wednesday's announcement. Scarlett, a reader of Feministing.com, alerted the blog to the holiday-inspired undies, which she found on a rack in the juniors department of a Wal-Mart in Cary, N.C.
"There's nothing quite like telling adolescent girls that they don't need to worry about finances since they have their very own moneypot between their legs," Jessica Valenti, the executive editor of Feministing.com, wrote on the panty blog post.
Scarlett was so incensed by the message on the front of the panties, she didn't even see the Santa kicker in the rear, she wrote on the blog.
"I still think that the entire thing is messed up. This isn't just a cute T-shirt that says 'Just ask Santa,'" she wrote. "This is a pair of panties. Exactly how nice to Santa would the girl have to be in order to get stuff?"
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