-----That time is past, And all its aching joys are now no more, And all its dizzy raptures. Not for this Faint I, nor mourn nor murmur, other gifts Have followed; for such loss, I would believe, Abundant recompence.---
Wodsworths' 'Tintern Abbey'
A Sad Farewell.... Dearest RonRon.
Im serious here people... I have great sadness in my heart today, knowing we have but only a few short weeks to hold with our Dearest Councilmen Ron Van Fossen. RonRon, as we've come to call him, is nothing short of the nuts de squirrel turd that has become the current incarnation of the Davenport City Council. Together, with brethren; such as Keith Meyer [who wanders the streets at night, and picks fights with kids at skate parks, he sues the City ; he represents when he jeopardizes its development, and of course... sings racially inappropriate songs at Council meetings to our more ethnic Councilmen]; Jamie "gets my son hired at the city, to end up with him fired over assault charges" Howard, Bob "No Pizza, but brings home the DUI-Y" McGivern, so to say this group is disfunctional is to say that Daffy Duck, isn't quite looney tunes enough to run with Fud, Bugs and the crew. Its down right comical. Shameful. But fucking comical. This is the Council that wants to fire the city administrator, then fully supports him, then doesn't, [whom of course, elected to give himself some pay hikes, creates a healthy work environment with some good sexual harrasment ], created a new fee taxing you for the amount of property you have that collects rain water, for putting up those nice speed trap cameras to make money for the city, and gave us the bridge to nothing. [Or is it just a target?, or just THE place to get your sex on with a 13 year old?] So what, its also the town where the county attorney gets his law license yanked. And who takes a civil case against his own office, in a case he helped prosecute. But does any of that matter without THE Man?
But without RonRon, this is nothing. Where do we even start? He is arguably, most famous for being arrested, held in county jail cell yards from where his seat sits empty at a council meeting, or his prior arrest where he comes after his estranged wife, a member of the City of Davenport DUI club, stumps his own case from substance abuse facilities, or for knowing a thing or two about sexual harassment himself, or who knows when to drop to a knee and take a heart attack to avoid court dates, or can just plain be in contempt of court. RonRon can represent with the best of them. But now, his term is going to expire... and barring any gruesome murders, flagrant shows of genitals to school girls, or gay-governor type flips; it is very possible we have heard the best of RonRon. And really, that rap sheet runs like a greatest hits cd. That shit just doesn't stop. Off the hook yo'! RonRon4Real. RonRon runnin' over yo ass.
Damn I'm going to miss you RonRon. So let me pour out my 40 in your honor, you sir, are the Original G.
-----// out
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