Wednesday, December 20, 2006

George Clooney is out in the public eye again. Doing what? Looking sexy... dashing.... handsome... raveshing... doing some new pyscho-babble-under tone, under the surface film against the Bush administration? Growing out some more of his ever present cheese-grater stubble? No. He's out running his mouth off about Darfur. A shit hole, among shit holes, thats engulfed in a power struggle in eastern Africa. He went on to one of the morning shows [which I hate watching, but mom had it on as I was leaving], going on about how "hes been there... hes seen it... he knows we should do something about it." I laughed out loud. He walked around with a camera, the only white man in miles, and saw a refugee camp. Hes outraged. But he wouldn't go see any of the camps in and around Palestine, or Israel. No, just some shit hole in Africa. Hes running around, talking to anyone that might listen, who has either purse strings or political power, pleading how necessary it is for military action to take place to stop the suffering. I laughed again. Suddenly, a liberal is calling for military force. Suddenly, a liberal is calling for deployment into the middle of a huge shitstorm into a Muslim nation. Suddenly, a liberal wants us to return to Somalia. Because there is suffering. Maybe, and just maybe.... if he'd skip the Porsche some morning, and walk from his home high atop Mt. Olymp.... err the Hollywood Hills, and walk the streets of down town Los Angeles, hed find some suffering. He'd find a nice territorial border war going on in the streets... he'd find people living in the middle of it... and he might find a Muslim or two. But no, Africa is where we should go. Africa, dear Dr. Ross, is not where we should go. Africa, is and will be, the battleground for the third world. The same battleground that burns us for our exploitation of resources from the continent... the same grounds that harbour terrorists and extremists of genocide that put little Adolf off as amateur. The battleground, that was terrible of us to exploit for slaves. Its a place filled with people who have nothing, who fight for nothing, and a terrible desire to kill people for nothing. Africa, my dear man, is the last place we need to go. In my ideal concept, keep the wars for the petty on the largest island of poverty on the far side of the world. Yes, Africa is the mother country... mother to pain, civil unrest, and bloodshed. She will continue to be the battle ground of the third world, until there is no one left to kill. That, Mr. Clooney, is the reason why countries refuse to get involved in Darfur. This is a conflict with no end. Its a conflict that will draw out to be more unstable than Israel/Palestine, that will be fought bloodier than Iraq, and will consume more resources to sustain than the separated German states did. And for what? To challenge ourselves to the principles of democracy? To show ourselves, that we are true and steadfast to the cause of the free world? To help the less fortunate? To dispell the evil that exists in the world? What makes Darfur more attractive than any other struggle? Because they are black faces? Because they starve? Because they have never had democracy, and never shown that they wanted it? Because they have always existed in a border and culture war which outside nations have never understood. Pick your reason. As you and your liberal friends remind us so very often, this Administration fights wars for oil... show me some oil. Show me some money. Show me something, that you alledge, draws my interest and my convictions. Prove me wrong... Prove yourself right. If you can. Oh. Argue that we engaged in wars then, for our right reasons... of defending liberty and people who can not defend their own liberty with their own hands.... that argument. I ask you, what liberty ever existed in this region? Who asks us to intervene? No nation involved, wants the United States of America. They want her money. They want her guns for hire. But show me who is most deserving of "liberation" in this war you propose. I see a shit hole among shit holes. This war is the most recent war. Its unfortunate. Its terrible. Its hard on the people that live among it. But the best intervention at this point is non-intervention. Because it was the capitalist intervention and excursion into the Dark Continent, that brought about this war. They blame, like all problems in Africa, the Western powers and capitalist ventures of 400 years ago, as a key determinate of the problem. We heard this in Rwanda, Somalia, Ethiopia, Congo, Burundi before them. All of them blamed White Western nations for differing degrees of fault. If we haven't learned anything from Africa wars yet, then we should atleast realize this... stay out. In 40 years, a different dictator will come along, put the sword to some, unknown to us, ethnic group or clan... or maybe lay claim to territory neighboring his, and begin another war. Dawn a new day. But light it with the rays of yesterday. And still we don't see what it illuminated before.


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