seriously.... what THE fuck?
story link. with priceless picture.
i really dont get that. when i flipped open the newspaper this morning, this was what i saw. a group of homosexual hobo's wearing war paint, re-enacting lines of the Lost Boys from the Movie " Hook ". i mean... really... bang-a-rang-ruffio!
besides the absurdity of how they think they should dress; lets look into what these creeps are doing. they are roaving down the river, on a barge made out of shit, entertaining children with plays and dances on the barge. dont forget, they dont use last names either. you know who this reminds me of? someone you all know... someone that kept a playland for kids, that wore make up, that didnt need a last name either...
fucking what the fuck. i really dont understand this. if i DIDNT have to work, i would find ways to scuttle that barge to the bottom of the river today. seriously. why. and these vagrant cariactatures of sixteenth-century pirates, caught in a 1983 new wave video, seem to think we should grant them shelter over the winter while they see to reoutfit and supply the ship. yeah. put another coat of rust on it. errrr. put make her sea worthy. what a bunch of goons. shame on you. and shame on the god damned news paper making this front page here.
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