Tuesday, May 23, 2006


im not about to set the world on ear here... but when youre the the chief executive of the united states of america, rapidly degrading to a single digit approval rating with the general public; allowing a brash political move... say like alloting the department of justice to seek a warrantless search and seizure on the office of a democratically elected member of congress... its not going to help your self image. see.... make it worse on yourself yet; you pick some low-ball problem like coercive legislation or bribery, against an opposing political party member, and then carry it out on federal property in the Rayburn Office building on a saturday night. richard nixon's ghost, thinks that was probably not a good idea W. and for the life of me, there hasnt been anything spoken about this really. maybe because the congressman in question was taped taking bribes... maybe because the later search of his residence found the bribe money in his freaking freezer... but appearantly this ISNT newsworthy? lost blonde girl in aruba is getting more headlines than this mess; and thats not right.

when you have both political party's leadership coming short of denouncing the action; youve likely worked yourself in to a corner. a corner thats not going to be favorable when you need to pass your tax and appropriations bill through that house of congress this year. you know... its not that its a member of congress that bugs me. its not that its purely politcal that bugs me. its that it was carried out on a saturday night, with no warrant, for something like bribes. something that happens every freaking day in DC. sigh. it was clear when we nailed up James Trafficant, from ohio, a few years back, that it was somewhat politcally charged... but even then, they took out warrants, had hearings, then sent him off to trial. and they had him dead to rights... but now, we pull out the Justice Department, ransack a federal congressional office, and dont bother to get this one written up before we head out. and where is it that people are coming across with the thoughts of not trusting their president? where do we come up with outlandish ideas about the 4th amendment... even granting members of congress additional privilege under the law; but we cant call one judge first. not one.

look. im not crying about busting yet another rotten member of congress. im not sad to see him go. but what shocks me is how we go about doing it. once i matured and started thinking about how our system of laws is based, it took me a long time to wrap my mind around the decisions the Warren and Burger courts made to how we arrive at justice in this country. but for crying out loud, if its a sitting member of congress, how will it help you to bring him down in this way? i just cant figure this out. and people are going to start moaning about bush did this, bush is bad, bush is evil; and in all likelihood it was something only mentioned to him at a meeting that morning. but the story is going to turn out to be a real motherfucker, if anything turns up calling anyone less than clean about this whole thing...

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