Current Musical Selection: GnR - Mama Kin [Aerosmith cover]
intersting day. stupid long committee meetings. bah to missing a class. so then i end up in soc... i guess i didnt do so well on that exam. i walked out thinking i had it down cold... i walked out of his office hours today with a 68%. ouch. appearantly he doesnt do partial credit even on the essays. thats what killed. all the definitions and garbage i nailed [so it looked] just if i didnt have exactly what he wanted for an essay; i lost the points. sure its almost a 70... but i wanted to do alot better than that. so i guess i have to focus some more for his questions on perodic effects. meh. my research is what will do me. 75% of the overall grade is on my research. so im working on that now. yeah. end of semester project.. and im working on it now. thats not a scott way to handle it. usually i wouldnt even think about it till thanksgiving at the earliest. not now... this semester does matter. if i pull it out; ill be out of this fucking town in august. no leases, no clases, 1 diploma. 'bout fuckin time.
werk is werk. i pushed plans tonight. even the sales manager noticed. came home with nearly 300 dollars in plans and warranties. in a 4 hour shift. i blew away the store sales for the entire day. in a 4 hour shift. i wanted them to know that i CAN do it. i just prefer not to. i really detest selling plans and defending doing it infront of customers. had a guy just start giving me the nag about how he doesnt like people trying to sell him plans and warranties. i explained the Staples credo on it. he didnt like it. i about told him to cram it. instead... i helped him get the printer he wanted... then made sure to have 3 other employees attack him with sales shit. each time he got redder and redder in the face and looked back at me. i smiled. stupid fuck. never tell me what you hate, then piss me off. man i love making people pay.
werk was also cool. i was about 6 inches from asking a cool chick out on a date. dunno why i stopped. probably was the sales manager bitching at me to do something instead of hitting on her. her is a young gal who works copy center. shes cool. really petite and small. but shes funny. she loves to smile. the running gag has been telling her she cant smile. instant smiles. she just cant help it. but for whatever reason she came in tonight, all dressed up, loud clompy shoes and all, and went straight over to electronics to find me. pretty nifty. i felt cool about it. she stood there flirting away with me for a good 10 minutes before anyone noticed. shes cool. i could see me doing something with her. shes just fun to be around. i miss having someone like that in my life. that and she looked pretty damn nice in something other staples attire. i used to get to work with her alot before school started, now i rarely see her; they give her opposite hours of mine. but anyways... i was about 24 seconds from asking her when the manager nagged at me. when i got done selling another warranty she was being shoo'd out by the same manager. maybe sometime. probably the next time. it was a welcome relief for someone to actually be interested in me. lately all my contact with people has been limited to hearing bout them, or selling them something. i noticed along time ago that people never ask me about me. no one cares much about my life. everyone elses is always much more important than mine. cool thing was, she wanted to hear about me and what ive been up to. such a rareity. but i guess it doesnt necessarily mean anything good. for all i know, she could just be buttering me up to get me me to switch hours with her. yeah... its prolly just that. . . . . .
3 emails came in asking me about me dream from a couple days ago. [2 emails and an IM i guess] eitherway, im not really ready to disclose it yet. generally i make a good habbit of putting them out there. i guess i have pretty horrific dreams. this one wasnt so much as detailed as it was emotional. the other night i had snippets of it again. not the whole thing. but bits and pieces. i was explaining to the roomie yesterday, that it tends to happen like that for me. ill have a reoccuring image or dream for a while... and with in a few weeks ill experience exactly that. like dejavu[ sp? ] but not really. just its been dreamt before. but its too emotional for me. maybe thats saying too much. maybe it isnt. alot of people want to know... especially a person that it involves... but im not ready for it. ill just keep it to myself this time... see what happens.
"take it for what it is, but i used to love her. then i had to kill her.... "
W. Axl Rose.
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