geez two days or so are allready come and gone...
lately ive been loosing myself in books... books are good.. granted, this isnt something i would probably have said several years ago, but for right now, and for whatever reasons, ive been really focusuing on completing massive amounts of reading.. current stop is the famed "Turner Diaries" Interesting book. Short too. the paperback version i have is something like 200 pages.. ive easily covered 2/3's of it in about 2 hours... yes, it does focus on lots of nasty little ideas like racisim and anti-semetics... but also hits home on several other issues, dealing with the liberties of personal ownership, government restriction of the private sector, and believe it or not, immigration status. It was written in the '70s.. and it shows.. the books actually takes place in the early '90s, but little things havent come about [like the INTERNET] among others; but it is quite focused stab on social commentary, one interesting portion:
" Nor have the girls remained entirely passive. Sexual debauchery of every sort on the part of young white ment and women-- and even children in their pre-teens -- has reached a level which would have been unimaginable only two or three years ago. The queers, the fetishists, the mixed-race couples, the sadists, and the exhibitionists-- urged on by the mass media -- are parading their perversions in public, and the public is joining them. " [Macdonald, 58]
its really quite shocking how close this is to whats going on in american society today; to claim that thongs on 12 year old girls is anything but the stuff of 'sexual debauchery' that its labeled in the above citation, is pure non-sense. today we've 'liberated' ourselves to such a pedistal that not only is this type of utter attrocious conduct, is not only acceptable, but MODEL-able. If it werent, Britney and Christina would be out of a job. Hell you deviant sick fucks [no, i will not allow you the curteous of polite and non-judgemental naming] should really be locked up. As far as for the rest of the sexual fetishes and the like.. watch Jerry Springer some afternoon. Havent watched any episodes dealing with flowers and bunny rabits... no, instead they all parade aroud in their life's grand state of turmoil; utterly torn between the rules of safe and harbored sato-masichism and the daring and courageous advent of the homo-erotic sato-masichistic. What turmoil indeed.
Thats about half a sentence from my volumeous tale of rant. I really shouldnt go much farther than that.... so instead, the 'Turner Diaries' is actually hitting on some interesting ideas, like i said before, again its plain as day to see how people will make the quite literal 'rip' of racial content; and most of them will never look deeper than that; but if one should manage it, extrapolating the basic arguments and applying it into quasi-modern context is relevant. Case-in-point: basic argument of private ownership of firearms is key to lighting the main-character and co. into action, which is ofcourse, perpretrated by government action. The parallel that leapt into my head translated to "DMCA" [read it all if youd like.. its really long, pretty much its the definitive end of personal 'ownership' rights over electronic media and devices [IE- it nixes out your right as consumer to make a copy of your music cd, that you bought.. citing that it is a license you purchased, and the act you attempt is not in good faith of that licensing agreement... ultimately this law has paved the way for the copy protection crap that we see now.. including the zone coding on DVDs; but read up on it, its your right afteral... {S.A; post edit}]
Yeah i guess i read into it a bit much; but i really do see the DMCA issue being replicated with Macdonalds [a psuedonym for the real author: William Pierce, recently died] portrayal of government backed seizure of legitimately owned private property. Case-in-point 2: the use of the government owned, computer network for checking of citizen status || yep, you guessed it, Washington's answer to the 'Al Queada" problem.. creating a mass citizen database, for checking up on the authenticity and accuracy of a person to be inside this country's borders. Ofcourse theres also the mention of a September 11th attack, [p.94 ], or the media's grand epiphony to connect Timmothy McVeigh with the annhydous ammonia truck bomb plot, with the similar exploits of the main character on the FBI head quarters [p.38]. But in my mind this all goes to show you, who actually reads the stuff we write. Shocking yes, but people like me do read, and unfortunately we also have rather hard-lined separatists and idealists who also read; and alot of this just becomes food for thought for them. If the cold hearted killers, or even hardnosed business men seaching for the top profit [McVeigh, 9/11 hijackers and co-conspirators, and ofcourse Hollywood execs and the RIIA] find in our literature; i really fear for what those young girls, sporting those trendy Abercrombe thongs will pick up on.
Granted, im a cold, vile and direct person. I make no appologies for that, but really, what kind of message does that send? really we cant expect a truely harbored existence for our young impresionable children of today, but for christ's sake; why do we feel to propagate our own debaucherous activites down to their accessible reach? Sure, I, as a creepy old man, many have some really horrid dreams and fantasies about 'bubble-bath time with Brittney', by why are we ptiching these types of things back at the 12 year olds? I mean really, check out a half hour of MTV; the videos of makeout sessions and lude sex acts, commonly attributed to music starts, are now drawing in outside influences [IE- Anna Kournikova of the tennis world in Enrique Iglases vid.. SA post edit] not to mention the sick perversion of 'hollywoodism' we attribute to most rapp'ers lifestyles. Is it really the ideal type for our society? Even if; are we really correct in making this point for these kids, at such an early age?
you decide it. ill keep reading, and leave you pitiful pop culture media whores to your own world, and return to my books.
ain't it fun~
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